by Dr. Kim | Jun 26, 2023 | Intuition, The Hermit
My time in the Hermit’s Cave I’ve been on a journey for a long time now. It’s been an imaginative journey filled with red tailed hawks, dragons, and even muppet guides–I’ll tell you all about that one day. But the most significant part of...
by Dr. Kim | Jun 26, 2020 | Anxiety, Coaching, Growth Mindset, Perseverance, Procrastination
Learning how to stop procrastinating will change your life You know the scene–you have a challenging task ahead of you, so you avoid thinking about it until the last minute. You sit down to finally do the task, and you become distracted by checking emails,...
by Dr. Kim | Apr 7, 2020 | Anxiety, Authenticity, Self-discovery, Trust
How we learn to trust One of the first things we learn as a newborn is whether we can trust that our needs are going to be met. Erikson called this stage, trust vs mistrust, and he posited that the resolution of this struggle is the foundation from which our identity...