Wind Down Wednesdays

by | Jul 8, 2021 | Anxiety, Coaching, Mindfulness, Self-Care, Stress Management | 0 comments

Wind Down Wednesdays–a midweek reset

Let me tell you a little story about me. Every 5 years or so (no seriously, it’s like a 5 year thing), my body has had ENOUGH of me pushing through and ignoring its signals. You know the signals–they’re those little nudges from your body (fatigue, headaches, stomach problems, on edge feelings). I ignore those sometimes and push right through to get ALL THE THINGS done.

Well, every 5 years or so, my body has had enough, as I said, and it spasms up. My neck and shoulders get so tense that I can’t even turn my head, much less get a good night sleep. At that point, I finally listen, and I always think, “Why didn’t I just pay attention all along?”

Anyone relate? Of course you do, because 84% of Americans report feeling prolonged stress (APA). Our physical health is declining, our sleep is down–we need a break!

That’s why I created Wind Down Wednesdays–a midweek reset for your brain and body. Staying on top of your reset game is KEY for helping keep those stress levels at bay. You don’t need to feel bad about yourself because you’re stressed. Stress is normal. But you do have a responsibility to listen to your body’s signals and help it reset itself.

Americans are reporting higher stress levels in 2021 than in 2020 (APA)


Who is Wind Down Wednesday for?

This online drop in group is for adults (18+) who are looking for balance, rejuvenation, and renewed strength. This group is perfect for you if you…

  • Do ALL THE THINGS and need a midweek break
  • Need to actually have something scheduled on your calendar, if you’re actually going to take some “me time”
  • Keep yourself busy with small tasks and aren’t making progress
  • Have trouble unwinding and aren’t sure if you can do this (you can!)

Do I have to come every week?

Nope. It’s a drop in group. Some folks like to pay for the full 6 weeks because it’s cheaper AND because it secures them a spot each week (group caps at 6 people).

What can I potentially get out of this group?

  • Balance: Setting a weekly time to unwind will help you create a habit of paying attention to what your body is telling you.
  • Progress: You’ll learn new techniques and “in the moment” skills for managing stress. We do exercises together using art and guided relaxation–all things you can do at home.
  • Community: A private, supportive, judgment-free zone where  you can connect and discuss your experience with other members (or sit back and listen, if that’s your thing)
  • Calm: Discover a new way to free up mental space and create moments of peace for yourself

Read on to find out more information about Wind Down Wednesdays

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More details…

What’s the minimum and maximum number of group members?

An ideal wind down group is left open until it reaches 6 members.

What’s the payment structure of the group?

You can pay for all 6 sessions in advance ($50) or drop in each week for $10.

What are people saying about Wind Down Wednesdays? 

“I really saw a change in my mindset and stress levels. I learned a lot”

“I enjoyed everything about it! It’s fun, and the other ladies in the group were nice and contribute new perspectives in interesting ways.”

“I like the wind down activities. Since I have trouble with the whole concept of meditation, it was good for me to practice and experiment in a casual, no pressure setting.”

“I actually felt myself getting better with the mindfulness exercises as the weeks progressed. Thank you.”

“I enjoyed it. I was able to write down some of my fears and insecurities to help me move forward.”


Studies show that people who practice mindfulness regularly significantly reduce their stress levels.

Wind Down Wednesday has the potential to impact your balance, insight, and growth. You are worth the time you take to care for yourself. Sign up here, or contact me with any questions.

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High Achievers can be broken down into different archetypes, each with their own strengths and vulnerabilities. Find out your High Achiever archetype and which coaching program might be the most beneficial for you!

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