A Masterclass in Self-Empowerment

“Across the broad continent of a woman’s life falls the shadow of a sword. On one side all is correct, definite, orderly; the paths are straight, the trees regular, the sun shaded; escorted by gentlemen, protected by policemen, wedded and buried by clergymen, she has only to walk demurely from cradle to grave and no one will touch a hair of her head. But on the other side all is confusion. Nothing follows a regular course. The paths wind between bogs and precipices; the trees roar and rock and fall in ruin.” Virginia Woolf


There comes a time (typically in midlife and as early as 35) when women metaphorically begin shedding their skin–the outer layer of beliefs, behaviors, and opinions that no longer resonate with who she is becoming. Only, she doesn’t know exactly who she is becoming. In fact, she may have absolutely no clue who she is becoming. She only knows that she’s no longer who she was. Brene Brown calls this the Midlife Unraveling. I often call it “swimming in the primordial goo.” It’s a liminal space. A transitional space. And it’s messy and disorienting as hell (which makes it absolutely perfect for coaching).


“Midlife is not a crisis. Midlife is an unraveling.” –Brene Brown


Wise and Wild Women

In this self-paced course you’ll learn ways to reframe the midlife crisis as a rewilding. You’re being called to reconnect with the Wise and Wild Woman within–to find out what she has to tell you about the values, beliefs, and opinions you’ve unconsciously absorbed from others throughout your life (such as the patriarchy), forgetting what truly lights up your Soul. Using a “summer camp” vibe, I’ll guide you through 6 different archetypal stories to help tuning inward feel like play:

  • Imagine Artemis inspiring you to stand up for yourself and speak your truth
  • Let Brigid ignite a flame of hope to resurrect forgotten dreams
  • Get support from Inanna, who teaches you to love all parts of yourself
  • Tap into your Inner Creatrix, and nurture your creativity
  • Stare into the eyes of Medusa to channel anger into something sacred
  • Reconnect with the Wild Woman to reclaim your own values and beliefs

There are 6 recorded stories and a a course full of tools and guided exercises to bring you clarity and joy on your journey. Plus, as a bonus, you receive 60 days of access to my online community, Rewilding, to help you deepen the information with people who get it.


Here’s what people are saying…

  •  I think you wove the theme and the archetypes together quite beautifully, and I felt really nurtured throughout each of the “camping” experiences. I liked thinking about which archetypes I connected to. 
  • This program allowed me to go deep on some midlife topics that are not often discussed openly in media, articles, or among friends. The use of archetypes was innovative in uncovering some biases I subconsciously hold about how women should behave
  • I really loved having bonus access to the Rewilding group. Going through the program with women who share similar curiosities but have different experiences than I do created a welcoming environment to explore and share. 
  • Reflecting on the Medusa archetype really connected me to my greater passion for understanding and unearthing the true experience of women (and other historically marginalized groups) in the workplace. 
  • This course is so effective! It’s fun and light because of the camp theme and lets me play in the most literal sense. It set me at ease as I explored some deeper and perhaps more shame-adjacent topics like anger and fear.


With a few simple steps, you’re on your way

When you sign up, you’ll receive access to my secure portal, where you’ll find materials and links for the bonus group membership. It’s $197, and I have payment plans and a sliding scale if you’re going through a rough patch financially. Just reach out.

Midlife is a time to invest in yourself. You’ve spent a lifetime investing in others. It’s your time to replenish so you can continue caring and loving the world. Join us for the journey, and if you have questions, schedule a call with me. Let’s chat.

Disclaimer: This event is psychoeducational but is rooted in evidence based coaching methods. 





What kind of high-achiever are you? Take the quiz to find out!

High Achievers can be broken down into different archetypes, each with their own strengths and vulnerabilities. Find out your High Achiever archetype and which coaching program might be the most beneficial for you!

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