by Dr. Kim | Nov 20, 2024 | Families, Gratitude, group coaching, Highly Sensitive Person, Holidays
Navigating Family Dynamics During the Holidays The holidays are often portrayed as joyful, but for many, they can bring stress, tension, and emotional overwhelm. Why? Family gatherings magnify feelings of disconnection, especially if you are in the midst of a personal...
by Dr. Kim | Mar 20, 2024 | Burnout, Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Overwhelm
Are you a Should Shamer? Should. Must. Have to. How many times do these words creep into your vocabulary each day? I should be more productive I must lose some weight I should be more [fill in the blank] I have to start meditating more “Should is a...
by Dr. Kim | Nov 21, 2023 | Burnout, Highly Sensitive Person, Holidays, Thanksgiving
Surviving Thanksgiving when you’re tired or highly sensitive It’s Thanksgiving time, and that means family, food, and friends. It also can contribute to overwhelm for those of us who are highly sensitive to physical, emotional, or social...
by Dr. Kim | Jun 23, 2023 | Intuition
Intuition: Your internal navigation system I’ve always followed my own North Star in my career. If you’ve ever looked at my LinkedIn profile, you’ll see that I’ve held jobs in many different areas, from education to media to psychology, even...
by Dr. Kim | Mar 3, 2023 | Somatic Psychology, Stress Management
The Ventral Vagal System In earlier posts, I talked about the systems for action and shutdown. But what’s at the top of the ladder, where we feel at ease and connected? The ventral vagal system is the social engagement system Enter the ventral vagus. It centers...